This started as a means to hold my self very accountable to reach a fitness goal I've never hit before but I plan on having a lot of fun with it. My bad-ass lady and I have gained some good habits and knowledge about our own respective body's responses to killing it. We usually get in rocking shape for the holidays but I'm going for that "Bruce Lee" six-pack this time. I usually walk around a very physically active man at about 15% body fat. I will be satisfied when i break 10% and am at single digits. I plan to document every single day of fitness as well as food. If you would like more details or you would like to remind me how bad I am doing at updating, I would genuinely love to know you are interested enough to use the CONTACT page above and let me know, please.

(I'm going for at least 150g protein with the more the merrier, and about a 25% fat, 40% carb, 35% protein is the shoot.)

Sunday- Run, Weights(Core)

Monday- Run

Tuesday- Run, Weights(Chest/Triceps)

Wednesday- Battle Ropes(Cardio), Battle Ropes(Pulls)

Thursday- Run, Weights(Back/Biceps)

Friday- Run, Weights(Shoulders/Traps)

Saturday- Light Weight Workout(Legs)


New month, same routine.


No trick-or-treaters. No candy, but I did have another rum punch last night. Running weather is great.

Some end of the week daily totals

Another light one, just can't forget to isolate the core, too


Only ate once yesterday but partied hard rum punch and smores outside with the lady and the dogs. It was all really good.

Just a light one, had double supervision from the furries today.


HAPPY HOUR Friday is here. I get to have a meal that is terrible for me that will feel fantastic. It's hard not to eat like that all day today. No Logging.


Getting back into some more regular work hours. Maybe running with the girlie again soon.

These numbers aren't immediately moving but I still feel strong and that's what matters more right now.

This is the closest I have to a before picture so far because things are about to change. This was a late workout but they all count, even if you fall asleep, nap with your puppy, wake up, pump, eat, and head to bed afterwards again.


Battle Rope Wednesdays. Bring it on!

I used to easily pull a mile (106 sets x 50ft each). I put in 61 today so I easily crossed half-way. See you next week, ropes.

Always can eat, just moderating

Smooth sailing this first week. I may need motivation later but it's fine. I'm just thinking about that Friday cheat meal. Hard work is fun because you know a change in how you look, feel, and react is coming. This picture makes me want a shave and a haircut.

My only dexa scan ever is from Bodyspec here in Austin.

As important as it is to gain a minimal understanding of the numbers we read from our bodies, sometimes it is not beneficial towards the goal to pay as much attention. My weight is up but I always fluctuate. This is about if it looks like you're headed towards your goal and, more importantly, how you feel. We gain muscle, lose muscle, change shapes, and everything else but

🎵🎶🎼🎙🎹Everyone of us is Weightless🎹🎼🎙🎶🎵


Two-a-Day Tuesday, Ya-Her-Me?


Day 1 action. I may not always diet, but I will be working out if my body allows it.

I almost forgot to post these food stats. I will post as much more details or answer your questions about my wild diet personally.